outsourced IT

Secure outsourced IT

Researched technology solutions that push your business forward

Hardware handled

Researching hardware is time-consuming.
But not anymore.

Secure IT Tulsa handles researching the right equipment,
setup & delivery to remote or in-office employees.

Secure IT Tulsa knows the value of modern devices.
Since July 2023, there has been no evidence of any
documented, successful virus attack on chromeOS devices.

Apps handled

Get all of your apps delivered securely through our advanced Virtual Application Delivery system - VAD.

Say goodbye to VPN

Virtual Application Delivery benefits reducing costs such as VPNs and other legacy tools needed for common applications like Quickbooks.

Chrome OS: Your app hub, covered.
The Switch Image

Nex-Gen handled

Over 80% of k-12 runs Chromebooks & chromeOS.
Including nearly all k-12 schools around Tulsa.

Locally, Jenks runs a nationally acclaimed technology program to teach students to repair Chromebooks & prepare them for jobs at local businesses.

Talent handled

Over 70% of recent college graduates report turning down employment offers from companies running on Microsoft® products.

We help you attract talent & be desired.