Ransomware is a choice

is a choice

Stop it dead with chromeOS

Stop ransomware with chromeOS

Stop ransomware
with chromeOS

chromeOS is the modern operating system that you should know about.

As of July 2023, there has been no evidence of any documented, successful virus attack on ChromeOS.

Trusted by many

chromeOS users

AriseHealth logoOE logo2020INC logoThe Paak logo

Upgraded 2K PCs
to chormeOS in 48hrs

Upgraded 2K PCs
to chormeOS in 48hrs

After a ransomware attack on their legacy OS, such as Microsoft Windows. Nordic Choice Hotels made the decision to expedite their move to chromeOS.

Using their existing devices & hardware. Nordic Choice Hotels upgraded over two-thousand devices in just forty-eight hours!

75 factories running chromeOS

75 factories
running chromeOS

56% of manufacturing organizations were hit by ransomware last year.

Sanmina was looking for a cost effective, and secure OS for it's 75 factories.
They found the security, ease, and cost savings with chromeOS.

83% of K-12 teaches chromeOS

83% of K-12
teaches chromeOS

The future workforce is with our kids.

Schools across the US have taught them chromeOS.

75% of college graduates prefer Google

75% of college graduates prefer Google

Will you train recent graduates how to use Windows?

Recent graduates say that they are less likely to accept
employment from organizations running Microsoft products.

all applications work on chromeOS

all applications
run on chromeOS

Yes, even your locally installed ".exe" Windows OS apps

Windows apps can be delivered as native apps to chromeOS devices.
Meaning all of your critical applications can work, with no issues. Ever.

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